The Crowned Cartel

The Crowned Cartel

Late in December of 2019, a friend of mine from school reached out to me about a potential opportunity to help one of his friends rebrand her business. I got in contact with her, and started discussing what exactly it was that she was looking for. She gave me the name, The Crowned Cartel, and the color scheme, black and gold. Other than that she told me I had creative freedom to design whatever I thought would looked best for the new logo. Right off the bat I knew I wanted to somehow implement a cursive script font. Once I settled on the one I liked, I combined it with a heavy bold san-serif type-face. To add an element of depth and hierarchy I had the cursive “L” in “cartel” wrap around the text above. My main goal for this piece was to combine unlike elements to create a contrasting but not clashing logo. I wanted to combine the sharp and rigid elements of the san-serif with the free flowing and luxurious feeling script. 


Along with the main logo I presented the client with a few alternates as well, for possible apparel or other applications. Though originally designed with a color scheme of gold, black, and pink, the owner of The Crowned Cartel has since shifted to gold and values of black and white.