UK Senior Capstone Project (2022)
As a big NBA fan, and sports fan in general, I spend a lot of time looking at jerseys and uniforms. Of all the uniforms out there, some of my favorites in recent years are from the NBA City Edition collection. So, for my 2022 Senior Capstone project at Kentucky, I decided I wanted to design new City Edition jerseys for all 30 NBA franchises.
For each individual team, I created a mood board of images having to do with the franchise/city’s unique history and culture. I included images of landmarks, city flags, museums, and a lot of past uniforms. Using those boards as inspiration, I created each jersey in 2-D within Illustrator, then moved them over to a Photoshop template, giving me my final product.
These are the jerseys I created.
Personal favorites: Brooklyn Nets (inspired by the NYC subway system), Memphis Grizzlies (paying homage to Memphis’s Rock ‘n’ Soul Museum), Phoenix Suns (a mesh of new and old; combining the pixelated gradient from current Suns’ uniforms with elements from the Steve Nash 7-Seconds-Or-Less era Suns’ uniforms)